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Chakra Healing Workshop

These 3-hour workshops explore each of our 7 main chakras over the course. Chakras are the energy centres in our body and as we are ultimately made up of vibrating, moving, information-holding, systems of energy. We work with these underlying systems to help bring more coherence, health and vitality to the physical body.


Learning to listen to your body and know how to heal it

As we explore each chakra over the 7 weeks, you will learn simple and powerful techniques to move the subtle energies of your body and feel these benefits. This is because your body speaks in 'energy'. Once you start to speak the same language as the body, the great, healing, awe-inspiring dialogue with yourself really begins! You will also receive energy scans on the Bio-well camera every week to mark your progress.

What’s Included

The 7-week Chakra Healing Workshops includes:
  • Bio-well energy scan each week

  • Nutritious meal every week (vegans are catered for).

  • A healing brew welcome drink each week (including ceremonial cacao).

  • Focus on a chakra each week and take home course workbook.

  • Use essential oils and take home a gift with a crystal

  • Learn more about crystals and let the right crystal choose you.

  • Participate in meditation, yin yoga and breathing exercises.

  • Fun activities each week designed to balance the chakra energies

Yoga Friends
Into the Ocean

Each Week....

The retreat schedule is based around themed days:

Week 1 – Red / Root Chakra / Our Environment / Gratitude

Week 2– Orange / Sacral Chakra / Our Emotions / Forgiveness

Week 3– Yellow / Solar Plexus Chakra / Our Bodies / Empowerment

Week 4 - Green / Heart Chakra / Our Energy / Love

Week 5– Blue / Throat Chakra / Our Decisions / Truth

Week 6– Purple / Third Eye Chakra / Our Intuition / Vision

Week 7 – White / Crown Chakra / Our Connection / Manifestation

The Workshop Cost

The Energy Exchange

Each week: $60 per session

Upfront for the entire 7 weeks: $350

Walk in the Wild
Biking in Nature

Why Take This Course?

Go on an introspective journey

CLiC is a movement to aid people’s journey of self-discovery and healing. From even before birth, all of our experiences are recorded and the emotions they create are stored inside us. They are stored in the mind in either the conscious or sub-conscious, and some we will recall as memories.


We also store these emotions in our bodies in the soft tissues and organs. Negative experiences and emotions that are not dealt with that are stored within us for long periods of time can cause disease and discomfort. They also affect our energy fields, creating blockages. CLiC programs provide the knowledge, tools and inspiration to release negative emotions.

We will help create healthy habits and thought patterns to get our bodies healthy, our energy strong and our minds happy.

Typical Agenda

Designed for a perfectly holistic evening....
  • Bio-well energy scan and report

  • Welcome healing brew with introduction to the chakra

  • Breathing exercises

  • Yin Yoga postures that support healing (no past experience required)

  • Nutritious snacks

  • Deep dive into the chakra and how we can bring balance

  • Fun activity related to the chakra

  • Sound healing/meditation and hypnotherapy

  • Essential oil and crystal gift each week

Upward Facing Dog
Red Fireworks

Course Details

Jurien Bay Chakra Healing Workshop

Wednesdays 5.30pm-8.30pm


  • May 3rd - Root Chakra

  • May 10th - Sacral Chakra

  • May 17th - Solar Plexus Chakra

  • May 24th - Heart Chakra

  • May 31st - Throat Chakra

  • June 7th - Third Eye Chakra​

  • June 14th- Crown Chakra

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